True". You're about to learn how to form a for-profit corporation in South Carolina. After downloading the business formation packages and listening to this instructional video, you'll be just a few simple steps away from completing this important task. Links to the documents I'll refer to are listed below this video. Begin now by downloading and printing the business formation packages. In them, you'll find everything you need to form your new company. Package one contains a process overview checklist and corporation worksheet. Package two contains South Carolina's instruction sheet, name reservation, Articles of Incorporation, initial annual report of corporations, and letter of transmittal. Package three contains IRS forms SS four and 2553. Your next task is to review the procedural guides where you'll learn about forming and maintaining a corporation in general. Review the state instruction sheet where you'll learn about forming and maintaining a corporation in South Carolina. You're now ready to complete the corporation worksheet. Here, you'll compile all the information you need to form your new company, complete various post formation tasks, and remain in compliance with the state. Completing this worksheet now will save you considerable time in the long run. Three areas of the worksheet deserve special consideration. They are naming your company, selecting a registered agent, and determining the quantity and class of authorized shares. Let's start with naming your company. Select two or three names that you like and verify that the name you want is available by conducting an entity name search on the South Carolina Secretary of State website. The entity search link is included on South Carolina's instruction sheet. Your company name must end with a corporate designator or its abbreviation. If your name is available, you can reserve it for 120 days after paying a $10 fee. Reserving your name is optional. If you...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form SC WH-1605